AYA News

E-commerce business launch

Aspiring Youth Academy has teamed up with My First Sale again this year to offer students this unbelievably easy way to create and launch an online business!

The self-paced program takes students through the process of developing their businesses. As student answer questions and make decisions to further develop their concept, information is added to the platform so that upon completion, they have a fully functioning website.

All active sites will be showcased on November 19, 2022, for our Virtual Business Fair! In addition to driving LOTS of traffic to increase sales, there will also be awards given for the following categories:

▪Best logo

▪Most Sustainable

▪Best pitch

▪Best product pictures

▪Most Charismatic Pitch

▪Top Sales

▪Most Creative

Sites are live through August of 2023 (unless a student chooses to shut them down before then).

Check out the sites already up and running for the Aspiring Youth Academy Virtual Business Fair HERE